This website is a genealogical photo gallery. Feel free to contact me if you have photos, want a higher resolution picture or have information about the people in the picture.Albert Putman Photo Genealogy
William (Billy) Albert Putman
Albert Putman (Mar 23, 1890 - Jun 25, 1958)
Lela Ann Hileman (Dec 22, 1894 - Feb 10, 1953) Albert Putman was the son of J M Putman and Teresa Ann Price . On Nov 3, 1912, Albert married Lela Ann Hileman. Lela was the daughter of William and Virginia Hileman. Albert and Lela Putman had six sons:
Joseph Putman Rex Putman Bobby Putman Fay Putman William Vance Putman Thomas Jerry Putman
Albert Putman 1910
Albert Putman 1910
Albert & Lela Putman 1912
Photo courtesy of Jerry Putman
Albert and Lela Putman's Bible
Lela and JoePutman ca. 1915
Lela and Joe Putman ca. 1915
ca. 1917 Lela Putman with her son,Joe
Woman on right is unknown (Eula Givens?)
Joe and Rex Putman, ca. 1919
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Fay and Bobby Putman, ca. 1928
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Vance and Jerry Putman, ca. 1937
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
ca. 1918 Levi Givens, WalterCrabtree
Albert Putman, and OlinHileman
Others are unknown
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
ca. 1919
Olen Hileman and Sibyl Carden(?)
Others are unknown
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
In the fall of 1919 J.M. and Albert bought two train car load of sheep. Jerry Putman still has the ledger that shows the expenses. Lambs cost $25 each and the sheep cost $40 each. Rams varied in price from $50 to $115 each. They unloaded the sheep at Avoca and herded them to Pea Ridge.
Carol Putman -
Here is a story my Dad told me about Albert's sheep. I remembered a few more details and mother gave me some, as well. ... The dog appears to be a Border Collie.When the sheep Albert Putman had purchased were shipped from Canada by train in 1919, his son, Joe, was just four years old. The sheep must have made a very strong impression on Joe even at that age. As a child, he must have delighted at the bleating animals with their frolicking lambs. As he told it, there was much excitement and anticipation on the Putman farm at the arrival of this special breed of sheep which were to be Albert's newest enterprise and a livelihood for this young man with a growing family. The sheep were purchased because they produced an unusually high quality wool which was much desired at market and brought a handsome price. To help herd the new arrivals, Albert also bought a somewhat expensive sheep dog that was trained to care for the flock. The dog quickly became as prized a possession as any. She was young Joe's constant companion when she wasn't moving her woolly charges about the barnyard.
The sheep were kept in a small pen and, as was the custom at the time, the pen was constructed with a fence made of a stiff, heavy-gauge wire mesh strung between wooden posts set several feet apart. Late one night, and without any warning. there came up an especially bad electrical storm. As a body, the sheep scurried from one side of the pen to another, terrified at the chaos and confusion. Finally, in a moment of quiet between lightening strikes, they huddled together, side by side, at one end of the pen -- up against the metal fence. Again, a single lightening strike crackled through the night air. This time, however, it hit the metal fence where the sheep were huddled. In an instant, most of the entire flock were electrocuted.
Joe Putman at about age four with the sheepdog thought
to be the one Albert purchased in 1919 to herd his sheep.
Photo courtesy of Carol PutmanThe enormity of the event became apparent at the break of dawn. Bodies of dead animals lay in a charred, woolly mass at one end of the pen. Among the dead were survivors, but those clinging to life were injured with burns that would certainly kill them in the coming days. It soon became evident that the humane thing to do would be to destroy those that were so badly injured. The wool, which was to be Albert and Lela's income, was now charred ... and worthless. In order to dispose of the carcasses of the dead animals, and to prevent the possibility of disease, they would have to be removed from the pen and burned. It must have been an awful sight ... the smoke rising from the pyre of dead animals ... and the smell of charred sheep flesh filling the air. When he told me this story, Joe said that, from that day forward and because of his memories, he did not eat lamb nor could he stand the smell of lamb cooking. It must have had a very strong emotional impact on him, even at four years old ... and rightfully so.
Rex Putman ca. 1919
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
Unknown (probably Albert and Rex) ca. 1919
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
Rex, Jo Ann, J.M., and Albert Putman ca.`1939
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
Albert and Lela Putman in 1950
Rex built this bicycle for the Pea Ridge Centennial in 1950
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
Oct 21, 1951
Albert & Lela Putman
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Easter Sunday Mar 25, 1951
Albert Putman age 61
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
Easter Sunday Mar 25, 1951
Taken at Alberts and Lela's Gravette home.
Back row: Maxine Morrison, Rex Putman, J.M. Putman
Second row: Bill Putman, Ada Putman, Lynn Putman, Lela Putman, Albert Putman
Third row: Sibyl Putman, Jerry Putman, Betty Putman, Lynn's mother Mrs. Howard (seated)
JoAnn Putman (standing), Joyce Putman and Allie Price.
Photo courtesy of Joyce McCann
ca. 1951
Levi Givens, unknown (behind Levi), Eula Givens, Lela Putman, Albert Putman, Jessie Putman and J.M. Putman
Front: Sheila Putman, Carol Putman, unknown (kneeling)
October 21, 1951
Gr.Gran'dad and Gr.Granddaughters
Bk: JoAnn, J.M. holding Jennifer, and Lynn
Front: Carol, Joyce, Sheila, and Betty Jane
(Photo courtesy of Carol Putman)
October 21, 1951
Grandparents and all the grandaughters
Back: Lela (holding Jennifer) and Albert Putman
Front: Carol with Betty Jane slightly behind her,
Sheila, Joyce (holding kitten), and JoAnn Putman.
Photo courtesy of Jerry Putman
Putman Clan at Bill and Sibyl's house, October 21, 1951
Back: Aunt Annie Putman (J.M.'s sister-in-law, Luther Bogle (J.M.'s half brother) and wife.
Lynn and JM, Lela with Jennifer, Albert, Marie
Front: Rex Bill, Ada, Carol, JoAnn, Betty, Joyce, Sheila, and Sibyl (on knees behind Shela)
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Lela Putman
Back of Photo: Mother Putman 1950
This may be the last photo taken of Lela Putman. She got out
of bed to show her son Fay how to use their new sewing machine.
Norma Jean grabbed her camera and took this picture.
Photo courtesy of Norma Jean Putman
Lela Putman
ca. 1947
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Painting of Lela Putman
by Joe Putman
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Lela Putman
ca. 1951
Photo courtesy of Carol Putman
Putman Family ca. 1955
Back Row: Ada, Rex, Jerry, Albert, J M, Lyna, Fay, Bill, Betty Jane, Sybil
Front Row: Danny, Marie, Billy, Joyce, Joanne, Norma Jean
ca. 1956
J M Putman and his two sons
Bill Putman, J M Putman and Albert Putman
Putman Men: June 1956
Left: Rex, Jerry, Albert, J.M., Fay and Bill Putman. Albert and
Bill were sons of J.M. Rex, Jerry and Fay were sons of Albert.
Sons of Albert and Lela Putman: 1952 Left back row: Joe, Rex, Bobby.
Left front row: Jerry, Vance, Fay
Sons of Albert and Lela Putman: 1979 Back Row: Fay, Vance, Jerry
Front Row: Joe, Rex and Bobby